Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for optimal health. It helps your body absorb calcium and maintain adequate serum magnesium and phosphate concentrations — three nutrients important for your teeth, muscles, and bones. It also plays crucial roles in brain development, heart function, your immune system, and mental … [Read more...]
Should You Drink Coffee on an Empty Stomach?
Coffee is such a popular beverage that its consumption levels come second only to water in some countries (1). In addition to helping you feel less tired and more alert, the caffeine in coffee may improve your mood, brain function, and exercise performance. It may also boost weight loss and protect against illnesses like type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease … [Read more...]
Is Fruit Juice as Unhealthy as Sugary Soda?
Fruit juice is generally perceived as healthy and far superior to sugary soda. Many health organizations have issued official statements encouraging people to reduce their intake of sugary drinks, and several countries have gone as far as implementing a tax on sugary soda (1, 2). Yet, some people suggest that juice isn’t as healthy as it’s made out to be and just as … [Read more...]
Beer Before Liquor: Fact or Fiction?
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Beer before liquor, never been sicker; liquor before beer, you’re in the clear.” It refers to the idea that you may be able to avoid a hangover simply by remembering to drink your alcoholic beverages in a specific order. Though many people swear by this rule, others question whether there’s any research to back it up. This article … [Read more...]
7 Tasty and Healthy Overnight Oats Recipes
Overnight oats make for an incredibly versatile breakfast or snack. They can be enjoyed warm or cold and prepared days in advance with minimal prep. Moreover, you can top this tasty meal with an array of nutritious ingredients that benefit your health. This article provides 7 tasty, nutritious, and easy overnight oats recipes. … [Read more...]